C-Desk Technology | Old Vicarage | Rolleston | NG23 5SE | Tel: (+44) 01636 816466 | alec@visualrota.co.uk

About C-Desk Technology

Established 1996

We live in a world of expectations, where customers demand 24/7 attention. Companies are under increasing pressure to offer services outside of ‘normal’ working hours. Just in time and globalisation means that workload profiles are changing. We need to assess workloads, predict the future and then meet the workload demand. We do this through mathematical modelling of the workload. Then create a tailor-made shift pattern to ensure that the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time to meet demand. Selecting the right shift pattern is about more than just meeting demand. The right shift pattern should enhance the lives of the shift workers as well as ensure that they are working effectively. Work/life balance and minimising fatigue and stress play a crucial role in ensuring the continued health and morale of your shift workers. Together we can make this world better. We can make more, serve more and improve lives. Creating a better shift pattern is easy. Contact us today and start your journey towards a better future.


Jasper is in-charge of bird scaring, digging and making sure everyone goes for a walk. But he will sit for a treat.
office dog's body
shift working consultancy
consulting mathematician
The Old Vicarage Rolleston, Newark, UK NG23 5SE
C-Desk Technology
Consultants: Dr. Angela Moore Ph.D. Maths & Statistics Alec Jezewski B.Sc. Mech. Eng. & ran his own 24/365 operation for 15 years